Palm-up Gesture

Certainly, there was some deep meaning in it, most worthy of interpretation, and which, as it were, streamed forth from the mystic symbol, subtly communicating itself to my sensibilities, but evading the analysis of my mind. --Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (1850)

Nonverbal sign. 1. A body movement, posture, or material artifact that encodes or influences a concept, motivation, or mood (thus, a gesture is neither matter nor energy, but information). 2. In its most generic sense, a gesture is a sign, signal, or cue used to communicate in tandem with, or apart from, words. 3. Gestures include facial expressions (e.g., EYEBROW-RAISE, SMILE), clothing cues (e.g., BUSINESS SUIT, NECKWEAR), body movements (e.g., PALM-DOWN, SHOULDER-SHRUG), and postures (e.g., ANGULAR DISTANCE). Many consumer products (e.g., BIG MAC, VEHICULAR GRILLE, VEHICULAR STRIPE) contain messaging features designed to communicate as signs, and may be decoded as gestures as well. 4. Those wordless forms of communication omitted from a written transcript. (E.g., while the printed transcripts of the Nixon Tapes reported the words spoken by the former president and his White House staff, they captured few of the gestures exchanged in the Oval Office during the Nixon years.)

A personal reflection. Gestures often speak louder than words. I especially like collecting U.S. presidential gestures, as readers can so easily visualize them from TV: " 'Only 10 more minutes of this crap.' President George H. W. Bush on what he was thinking as he checked his wristwatch on camera in the midst of a 1992 presidential debate with Bill Clinton and Ross Perot" (U.S. News;

Anthropology. ". . . we respond to gestures with an extreme alertness and, one might almost say, in accordance with an elaborate and secret code that is written nowhere, known by none, and understood by all" (Sapir 1927:556; see below, Hand gestures).

Assertion gestures. Gestures made with the forelimbs (e.g., reptilian push-ups and our own palm-down and palm-up cues) are basically "assertion displays," used to advertise (Greenberg 2002) and to assert a sender's physical presence to fellow species members. In Anolis lizards, an assertion display is a visual body movement--such as a push-up to a high-stand above the earthly plain--that is designed to attract notice toward the displayer (Fleishman and Pallus 2010).

That in human beings assertion gestures often accompany speech is due in part to an ancient neural link between vocalizing (speech) and forelimb signaling (gesturing with the hands). Muscles that today move the human larynx and pectoral girdle evolved from hypobranchial muscles that originally opened the mouths and gill openings of ancient fishes. Neurocircuits that mediate our laryngeal and pectoral movements are connected in the posterior hindbrain and anterior spinal cord (Bass and Chagnaud 2012).

Assertion displays can therefore be verbal and/or nonverbal, as the two are neurologically linked. Verbally, "An assertion is a speech act in which something is claimed to hold. . . . The concept of assertion has often held a central place in the philosophy of language. . ." (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry for "Assertion," [accessed April 11, 2014]). The English word "assert," for example, comes from the 7,000-year-old Indo-European root word ser-, important derivatives of which are "exert" (as to exert oneself physically), "insert" (e.g., to insert oneself into a conversation), and "sermon" (to exhort or urge by strong argument) (Soukhanov 1992, p. 2124). Subsequently, in Latin, the word "serere" came to mean "attach, join (in speech), [and] discuss" (Soukhanov 1992, p. 2124).

Baby gestures. 1. "This article (Acredolo and Goodwyn 1985) presents the story of our first 'Baby Signer,' Linda's daughter Kate who began to spontaneously create symbolic gestures when she was about 12 months old. These were 'sensible' gestures (like sniffing for 'flower' and arms-up for 'big'). We then made it easy for her by modeling other simple gestures for things in which she was interested and followed her progress in terms of both gestural and verbal development" (from Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn's Baby Signs Research web page). 2. Subsequently, Acredolo, Goodwin, and others applied their findings about Baby Signs (a.k.a. symbolic gesturing), to teach and encourage the use of symbolic gestures in infancy so as to improve verbal language acquisition (see, e.g., Goodwyn, Acredolo, and Brown (2000).

Cetology. "A sequence of three gestures LEFT, FRISBEE, TAIL-TOUCH instructs the dolphin to swim with the frisbee that is to its left with its tail flukes" (Montgomery 1990:B2).

Culture. Accompanying hundreds of human-wide, universal gestures, such as the shoulder-shrug and smile (which, themselves, may be shaped by culture) are hundreds of additional gestures which must be learned to be understood (see NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION, Kind of cues). Many of the latter, culturally coded gestures--such as the hand ring (Italy), hand ring-jerk (Great Britain), hand ring-kiss (France), and hand ring pull-side (Holland)--have been identified by Desmond Morris (1994).

Hand gestures. We respond to hand gestures with an extreme alertness because dedicated nerve cells in our primate brain's lower temporal lobe respond exclusively to hand outlines, positions, and shapes (Kandel et al. 1991:458-59). "Speech production and speech-related gestures are connected to such a degree that they have been considered as outlets of the same thought process, a view supported by the finding that hand and orofacial gestures are supported by the speech production area, i.e., Broca's region" (Nishitoni et al. 2005, p. 66).

"However, the mirror neuron system does not constitute the only plausible language-ready system consistent with a gestural origins account. The present results provide an alternative (or complementary) possibility. Rather than being fundamentally related to . . . behaviors such as grasping or ingestion or to an automatic sensorimotor resonance between physical actions and meaning, language may have developed (at least in part) upon a different neural scaffold, i.e., the same perisylvian system [e.g., Broca's and Wernicke's areas] that presently processes language. In this view, a precursor of this system supported gestural communication in a common ancestor, where it played a role in pairing gesture and meaning. It was then adapted for the comparable pairing of sound and meaning as voluntary control over the vocal apparatus was established and spoken language evolved. And--as might be predicted by this account--the system continues to processes both symbolic gesture and spoken language in the human brain" (Xu et al. 2009).

Paleontology of gesture. "Hewes (1973) suggested that a gestural language preceded spoken language" (Givens 1976, p. 53)[.]

". . . there is a primate (or perhaps mammalian or even vertebrate) level [of nonverbal communication] that contains the gestural primitives common to all people and in some instances all primates or all mammals. Examples are gestures implying bigness as signs of threat or intimidation [see LOOM], and gestures implying smallness as signs of submission [see CROUCH]. Loudness and softness in vocal communication have the same import. In this context, Givens (1986) has called for a 'paleontology of gesture'" (Armstrong et al. 1995:6-7).

Philosophy. "The story is told that the preferred response of [Cambridge philosopher] G. E. Moore [to the question, "What is philosophy?"] was to gesture towards his bookshelves: 'It is what all these are about.' " (Flew 1984, p. vii).

Primatology, chimpanzees. ". . . bonobos often add so-called finger-flexing, in which the four fingers of the open hand are bent and stretched in rapid alternation, making the [outstretched-hand gestured] invitation [i.e., the request for food, support, or bodily contact] look more urgent" (Waal and Lanting 1997:29).

Salesmanship. "Rehearse the speed at which you gesture, either in a mirror or on videotape. Quick, jerky movement belies a calm interior or voice" (Delmar 1984:48).

Sea lion gestures. "Four gestures, which indicate WHITE, SMALL, FOOTBALL and TAIL tell the sea lions to find the small white football and touch it with its tail" (Montgomery 1990:B2).

Sociology. "Following Wundt, [George Herbert] Mead [in his 1934 book, Mind, Self, and Society, Chicago, U Chicago Press] took the gesture as the transitional link to language from action, and also as the phenomenon establishing the continuities of human and infrahuman social life" (Martindale 1960:355).

Word origin. From Latin gestus, from (past participle) gerere, "to behave."

RESEARCH REPORTS: 1. "Gesture includes much more than the manipulation of the hands and other visible and movable parts of the organism. Intonations of the voice may register attitudes and feelings quite as significantly as the clenched fist, the wave of the hand, the shrugging of the shoulders, or the lifting of the eyebrows" (Sapir 1931:105). 2. The term ethology was used in the late 18th and early 19th centuries for "the interpretation of character by the study of [human] gesture"; in the 20th century ethology came to mean the "comparative anatomy of [animal] gestures," to reveal the "true characters of the animals" (Thorpe 1974:147).

E-Commentary: "I am a support teacher for visually impaired children and I am currently working with a blind 8 year old girl. I am looking for information on teaching suitable gestures to replace socially unacceptable behaviours. One such behaviour is the flapping of arms when excited. This student is very bright and social. Any suggestions on other gestures or body language that may be helpful would be appreciated." --J.W., Australia (8/6/01 11:47:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time)

Neuro-notes I. Many hand gestures are produced in speech areas of the right hemisphere, which were abandoned, in early childhood, as language shifted to the left hemisphere (Carter 1998:155).

Neuro-notes II. Mirror neurons: "A communicative gesture made by an actor (the sender) retrieves in the observer (the receiver) the neural circuit encoding the motor representation of the same gesture--that is, its goal/meaning--thus enabling the receiver to understand the gesture or message of the sender (Rizzolatti & Arbib, 1998)" (Fogassi and Ferrari 2007:137). "[Mirror] neurons enable individuals to understand actions performed by others. Two subcategories of mirror neurons in monkeys activate when they listen to action sounds and when they observe communicative gestures made by others, respectively (Fogassi and Ferrari 2007:136).

Neuro-notes III. Why we gesture with our hands as we speak: I've always wondered about this . . . Source: Bass, A. H. and B. Chagnaud (2012): "Shared Developmental and Evolutionary Origins of Neural Basis of Vocal-acoustic and Pectoral-gestural Signaling," in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA):


"Acoustic signaling behaviors are widespread among bony vertebrates, which include the majority of living fishes and tetrapods. Developmental studies in sound-producing fishes and tetrapods indicate that central pattern generating networks dedicated to vocalization originate from the same caudal hindbrain rhombomere (rh) 8-spinal compartment. Together, the evidence suggests that vocalization and its morphophysiological basis, including mechanisms of vocal-respiratory coupling that are widespread among tetrapods, are ancestral characters for bony vertebrates. Premotor-motor circuitry for pectoral appendages that function in locomotion and acoustic signaling develops in the same rh8-spinal compartment. Hence, vocal and pectoral phenotypes in fishes share both developmental origins and roles in acoustic communication. These findings lead to the proposal that the coupling of more highly derived vocal and pectoral mechanisms among tetrapods, including those adapted for nonvocal acoustic and gestural signaling, originated in fishes. Comparative studies further show that rh8 premotor populations have distinct neurophysiological properties coding for equally distinct behavioral attributes such as call duration. We conclude that neural network innovations in the spatiotemporal patterning of vocal and pectoral mechanisms of social communication, including forelimb gestural signaling, have their evolutionary origins in the caudal hindbrain of fishes."

Neuro-notes IV. Muscles that today move the human larynx and pectoral girdle evolved from hypobranchial muscles that originally opened the mouths and gill openings of ancient fishes. Paleocircuits that mediate our laryngeal and pectoral movements are connected in the posterior hindbrain and anterior spinal cord (Bass and Chagnaud 2012). The sonic properties of these bodily regions (vocalizing and pectoral vibration, respectively) were recruited for social signaling in a watery world. The sounds were basically "assertion displays" used to announce a sender's physical presence, often in courtship, to attract mates or repel rivals. Controlled by branchial muscles, these body parts were more easily aroused to produce vibratory sounds than were parts controlled by other than branchial nerves. In primates, the pectoral movements became visual signals, which in humans are called gestures.


Gesture measure. In gesture research, measurement involves assigning numbers to body movements and their constituent parts. Numerical measures may be spatial (physical) or temporal (chronological) in nature.

Observation. The simplest spatial measurements are observational. A researcher assigns a binary value, a "one" or a "zero," to a gesture to indicate its presence or absence, respectively, in the space of a communication venue such as a conversation. In Signal Detection Theory, four values or outcomes are possible for each individual sighting.

Signal detection. Imagine a researcher observing the shoulder-shrug gestures of a man and a woman seated together at a small coffee table. At some level of precision, there will be uncertainty as to whether or not a shrug actually occurred. If the man coughs and shrugs, for example, should that be counted as a shoulder-shrug? For any communication venue, four observational outcomes are possible. In Signal Detection parlance (Peterson et al. 1954), the first is a "hit": a shoulder-shrug occurs and the researcher sees and records it. The second is a "miss": a shrug occurs but the researcher neither sees nor records it. Third is a "false alarm": a shrug does not occur, but the researcher incorrectly sees and records one. And fourth is a "correct rejection": no shrug occurs and the researcher correctly notates its absence.

Spatial. On the spatial side of measurement, most gesture research has entailed simple observations of this sort, namely, of a body movement's presence or absence in a given social interaction. Should the investigated movement be a shoulder-shrug, zeroes or ones may be recorded to represent the shrug's absence or presence. Later, additional numbers may be assigned to measure the frequency and magnitude of the shrugging motions, and to gauge how a pair's shrugs correlate together in time and with the couple's collateral nonverbal signs and spoken words.

Size & magnitude. Regarding measurement of a gesture's size and magnitude, researchers have paid less attention to a signal's strength and amplitude than to the simpler, binary metric of presence or absence. Four decades ago French born semiotician Paul Bouissac (b. 1934) proposed that human body movements be studied in terms of the three-dimensional volumes they occupy in space (Bouissac 1973). This focus was intended to improve upon earlier notation systems, such as the hieroglyphic-like kinesic system of Birdwhistell (1952), which accounted principally for the presence or absence of body-motion cues, such as backward-leans, head-nods and steepling cues in interaction (see KINESICS). Though Bouissac's volumetric measurement of gestures did not bear fruit, computers now make such measurements possible. Ning and colleagues, for example, have perfected a computerized motion detector that can be used to measure shoulder-shrug cues (Ning et al. 2006). Huazhong and colleagues (2006) have designed a realtime shoulder-shrug detector. Boker and colleagues (2009) have perfected a computerized avatar for use in measuring head movements in dyadic conversations.

Temporal. In temporal terms, the simplest gesture measurements are relative. A given body movement is observed to come before, during, or after another body-motion unit or event. A shoulder-shrug, for example, may come before, during, or after a spoken word or another nonverbal sign in the stream of behavior. The shrug's occurrence in time is measured not in absolute terms but in relation to its serial appearance in a timeline: preceding, coinciding, or following a spoken word or body movement.

On the temporal side of measurement, most gesture research has entailed simple chronological measurements of this kind, namely, of a body movement's relative position in the observed behavioral sequence. It is likely that computer analyses will enable greater real-time temporal measurements of gestures.


Boker, Steven M., Cohn, Jeffrey F., Theobold, Barry-John, Matthews, Iain, Brick, Timothy R., and Jeffrey R. Spies (2009). "Effects of Damping Head Movement and Facial Expression in Dyadic Conversation Using Real–time Facial Expression Tracking and Synthesized Avatars." In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (Vol. 364, No. 1535), pp. 3485-495.

Bouissac, Paul (1973). La Mesure des Gestes: Prolegomenes à la Semiotique Gestuelle (Approaches to Semiotics, Paperback Series, Vol. 3, Mouton: The Hague).

Huazhong Ning, Tony X. Han, Yuxiao Hu, Zhenqiu Zhang, Yun Fu, and Thomas S. Huang, "A Realtime Shrug Detector," IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2006), pp. 505-510, 2006.

Ning, Huazhong, Han, Tony X., Hu, Yuxiao, Zhang, Zhenqiu, Fu, Yun, and Thomas S. Huang (2006). "A Realtime Shrug Detector." In Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR 2006), pp. 505-510.

Peterson, W. W., Birdsall, T. G., and W. C. Fox (1954). "The Theory of Signal Detectability." In Proceedings of the IRE Professional Group on Information Theory 4, pp. 171-212.


Rip sign. The usually bimanual act of forcefully separating a length of cloth or piece of paper into smaller, torn sections. Often done in anger or disgust, ripping connotes a sense of finality and relief (see EMOTION).

Usage. Physically tearing apart a book, contract, note or personal letter may psychologically "remove" the ripper from the document's author and written contents.

U.S. politics. On February 4, 2020, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi methodically tore up her copies of President Donald Trump's State of the Union speech.

Media. Televised images of Speaker Pelosi's nonverbal, ripping hands may have drawn more commentary, pro and con, than the president's vocal speech itself. That her deliberate tearing had been decided beforehand is indicated by the prearrangement of pages into four neatly separated stacks. During applause at the end of his presidential address, Speaker Pelosi, moving from her left to her right (see CHIRALITY), picked up each stack and firmly tore it in half, breadth-wise. After four dramatic ripping events, Pelosi gathered together pieces of the destroyed document and summarily dropped them, as refuse, on the tabletop.

Verbal responses. " 'I thought it was a terrible thing when she ripped up the speech,' Trump, 73, told reporters on Friday" (Dibble 2020). "So it was, in my view, a manifesto of mistruths, falsehoods, blatantly really dangerous to the well-being of the American people if they believed what he said,' Speaker Pelosi said Thursday" (Stoddart 2020).

Neuro-notes. Ripping paper involves both deliberation and precision (see PRECISION GRIP, Usage). In the context of strong emotion, tearing apart another's written words may be cathartic as a substitute for tearing apart the writer (see ANGER, DISGUST, INTENTION CUE). Tearing fabric and paper may be curiously pleasurable to tactile-vibration sensors (see TOUCH CUE).


YouTube Video: Watch some Japanese and Polish gestures.

Video: Watch Marco Rubio's reaching gesture.

Copyright 1998 - 2021 (David B. Givens/Center for Nonverbal Studies)
Photo of friendly, engaging, welcoming palm-up cue (picture credit: unknown)