The Ubiquity of Coke

(Visit the Coca-Cola Site)

A Coke is a Coke, and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same, and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it. --Andy Warhol (Patton 1992:23)

Drinkable sign. 1. A sweet-tasting juice substitute with complex flavors and a carbonated "texture" which appeal to millions of consumers throughout the world. 2. A hand-held consumer product with an incredible presence in the media. 3. A refreshing beverage which encodes a vast amount of chemical information, and has a great deal to "say."

Usage: 1. As a nonverbal medium, Coca-Cola "speaks" through aroma, touch, and taste cues. To the palate, e.g., cola communicates with complex flavor molecules found in ripe fruit and broiled steak. Bubbly carbonation provides an interesting pseudo-texture to stimulate the tongue (see EXISTENTIAL CRUNCH). In tandem with the sugary taste of sucrose (a crystalline carbohydrate suggesting the fruity sweetness of fructose [for which it stands])--and aggressive advertising--its chemical messages have made Coca-Cola the most recognized brand name on earth. 2. In the modern diet, fresh-fruit drinks (e.g., orange juice) have been largely replaced by sweeter-tasting beverages. In the U.S., e.g., soft drinks outsell fruit juices three-to-one.

RESEARCH REPORTS: 1. The carbohydrate sucrose (C12H22O11) has a calming effect on infants. In concentrated amounts, it stimulates the release of natural opium-like substances (or opioids), which can reduce pain and pacify crying (Blass 1992). 2. The alkaloid caffeine (C8H10N4O2) is a mild stimulant used to release norepinephrine in the brain (Restak 1994; see PLEASURE CUE).

Caffeine. 1. "A majority of consumers tested cannot detect the flavor of caffeine in soft drinks, Johns Hopkins University researchers have found, and they believe that manufacturers must be adding caffeine to cola for other reasons" (Anonymous 2000). 2. "'I was struck by soft drink manufacturers' claims that they add caffeine solely as a flavor enhancer,' Dr. Roland R. Griffiths told Reuters Health. 'I think it would be useful for them to acknowledge the mood-altering, physical dependency effects of their drinks'" (Anonymous 2000).

Evolution. A cola's sugary taste reconnects us with our fruit-eating primate past. When Eocene-primate ancestors took to the trees ca. 50 m.y.a., they supplemented a basically insect diet with ripened fruit. Drinking a Coke, we are briefly absorbed in the present moment, i.e., in the animal sense of the now.

Street photography. Street photographers find Coca-Cola signs of particular interest, perhaps as cultural icons. (To see coke-sign street photos, please type--street photography coca cola--into Google [. . . then click on IMAGES . . .] HERE.)

Neuro-notes. Coca-Cola's harmony of caramelized sucrose, cola seeds, vanilla and spices, and oils of orange, lemon, and lime--along with a relatively high caffeine level--appeals to pleasure areas of the brain. Sweetness, e.g., stimulates taste buds of the tongue tip which convey their signals through the hindbrain's facial nerve (Cranial VII) upward to the forebrain. There the message splits. Part travels to unconscious areas of the limbic system (specifically, to the amygdala and lateral hypothalamus), and part goes to the more conscious cerebral cortex (through thalamic relays to its postcentral gyrus and insula). That we crave sugar instinctively is suggested by babies who are born without a cerebral cortex, and who respond to sweet but reject bitter tastes.



Classic container. One of the world's most recognizable handheld artifacts (see ARTIFACT). Its contoured, hourglass shape and thick, fluted sides were designed not just to be seen (see VISION CUE) but also to be identified through the tactile channel (see TOUCH CUE). Debuting in 1915, the explicit intention was to craft a unique nonverbal package that Coke's competitors would be unable to match.

Usage. Designed in the U.S. by the Indiana-based Root Glass Co., the smooth, clear, weighty, green-hued Coke bottle was used nonverbally to brand the look and feel of its contained soft drink (see COCA-COLA). The fluted sidewalls were inspired by the grooved sides of cocoa-bean husks. Using the contoured glass package to drink a Coke engages pleasure centers of the brain linked to human lips (see KISS) and fingertips (see CARESS), as well as to a seeming fondness for sexual signage (see REPRODUCTIVE IMAGERY).

Sexual signage. Soon after its 1915 debut, the shapely beverage container became known as the "hobble skirt" or "Mae West" bottle, suggestive of the feminine pinched-waist figure celebrated in modern popular fashion.

Surreal symbolism. Artistically, the fluted Coke bottle shape has become a symbol of mass culture and modern life (see ART CUE). An early rendition is Spanish artist Salvador Dali's (1904-1989) sinuous Coke icon in his 1943 oil-on-canvas painting, "Poetry of America." The best-known renditions may be the acrylic, realistic, rhythmically repeated likenesses by American pop artist Andy Warhol (1928-1987) in the 1960s (see RHYTHMIC REPETITION).



Classic logo. Embossed or painted on every curvilinear Coke bottle is a curvilinear, right-leaning, oval-based Coca-Cola signature, in flowing Spencerian script.

Usage. Like a handwritten signature, the swirly Coke logo is used to mark identity on a bottle or can.

Friendly flourishes. "Coca-Cola," the verbal phrase itself, was made friendlier, nonverbally, by the use of curvy, rhythmically repeated alphabetic characters (see RHYTHMIC REPETITION) that suggest harmony, movement, and a unified composition. The signature's friendly, oval shapes and graceful, looping flourishes derive from Spencerian script, a style of penmanship popular in America from ca. 1850 to 1925. Spencerian script stands in opposition to the Bauhaus-inspired typeface, Helvetica, designed as a "clean" typography devoid of emotional appeal (see BAUHAUS).

Word origin. English "coca" derives from Quechuan "kuka," while "cola" is of West African origin (as in, e.g., "kola nut"). Early on, it was decided that the phrase Coca-Cola should be more pleasingly symmetrical and friendly than "Coka-Kola."


YouTube Video: Coca-Cola Egypt (note the two-handed delivery of the can, derived from a polite greeting ritual known as the Muslim salaam)

Copyright 1998 - 2021 (David B. Givens/Center for Nonverbal Studies)
Photo of Coca-Cola products amid freight stored at Sprague Avenue Costco (on December 20, 2009 in Spokane, Washington, USA; picture credit: Doreen K. Givens [copyright 2009])